Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 16

Week 16

1. Sight Words: where, they, saw, if
Refer to the link on the left under "Homework" to find different activities to do with the sight words.

2. Word Families: -eat, -oat
Refer to the link on the left under "Homework" to find out how to practice the word families.

3. Reading: at least 20 minutes 
- On your child's reading calendar, log the number of minutes your child read and/or the number of minutes you read to your child. Return this calendar to school each day.
- At least 10 minutes in a book, and no more than 10 minutes on Raz Reading.

4. Writing Journal: 
- Have your child write at least 2 complete sentences in their take home writing journal. Return this writing journal to school each day.
- Writing instructions are on the inside front cover of the journal. Please review and practice these.
- Refer to the link on the left under "Homework" for journal topic ideas.

5. IXL: K.1 Identify 2-dimensional shapes & K.5 Count sides and vertices
- Your child can complete the assignments anytime between today and Saturday night.
- See "Homework Clarifications" for more info on IXL assignments.

** Bonus words: commutative, December, attribute, snowflake, winter
* Please send your children with their coats! They will be going outside for recess!!
* Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!
* Please continue reading with your child!